In a nutshell:
- Decarbonization in mobility is too slow
- Despite EV, fossil-free fuels are suitable for all means of transport powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) and can use existing infrastructure
- Fossil-free fuels can complement the market ramp-up of electromobility, especially in cases where e-vehicles might face challenges
- We are building an ecosystem that incentivizes early adopters (fossil-free fuel buyers) with participation rights to global fossil-free fuel production and carbon offsetting certificates, so that we can bring the unit costs down to swap fossil fuel forever.
🔍 Current course of decarbonization in mobility
In the European mobility sector, reductions in CO$_2$ emissions need to be accelerated in order to achieve the 2050 climate protection goals

ℹ️ Source: Eurostat, greenhouse gas emissions by source sector, baseline year 1990 = 100
☝️Recap the Benefits for fossil-free fuel:
- As a climate neutral alternative to fossil fuels, fossil-free fuels could contribute to a significant reduction of CO2 emissions
- Fossil-free fuels can be blended with conventional fuels or used as a 100 % substitute